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Top Reasons For Workplace Injuries In Fort Lauderdale


Why do workplace injuries happen most often, and are those injuries compensated through the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation? Given that different types of workplaces have varying hazards, it is difficult to provide a complete list of the most common accidents at all job sites in South Florida. However, the National Safety Council (NSC) does track the types of incidents that most commonly result in missed workdays and workers’ compensation claims, and we want to emphasize that, in nearly all circumstances, these types of accidents and injuries should be compensable through the Florida workers’ compensation system. The following are some of the top work-related causes of nonfatal injury according to the NSC, accounting for nearly 85 percent of all missed workdays.

Overexertion and Bodily Reaction Injuries 

Overexertion and bodily reaction injuries can happen at almost any type of workplace, from job sites that require intensive manual labor to white-collar workplaces that largely involve desk work. The NSC emphasizes that overexertion and bodily reaction injuries can include both non-impact injuries (such as those sustained by lifting, carrying, or pushing), as well as repetitive-motion injuries (such as those sustained by performing “microtasks” like typing).

The typical number of lost workdays for this type of injury is 13 per calendar year, and employees between the ages of 45 to 64 tend to suffer these types of injuries most frequently. This is the most common type of nonfatal workplace injury in the U.S., according to the NSC.

Slips, Trips, and Falls at Work 

Similar to overexertion and bodily reaction injuries, injuries slips, trips, and falls can occur in accidents at nearly any type of workplace. These injuries can involve falling from heights or falling to a lower level (such as falls from scaffolding at a construction site or on a roofing job), as well as falls on the same level (such as a fall that results from a tripping hazard in a walkway or a liquid spill on the floor near a workplace kitchen area).

Slips, trips, and falls are the second-leading cause of nonfatal workplace injuries, and often result in about two weeks of missed workdays. However, more serious slips and falls can result in partial and total permanent disabilities. The most common type of injury in a slip, trip, or fall is a sprain or a tear. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), as well as broken bones, are also common.

Object and Equipment Contact 

There are many types of accidents in which contact with an object can occur at work, from a car crash to a worker being caught in or between equipment. Younger workers are at particularly high risk of this type of injury, and they most often sustain cuts, lacerations, and punctures, according to the NSC.

Seek Advice from a Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Attorney 

Anytime you suffer an injury on the job, it is critical to seek advice as soon as possible from an experienced South Florida workers’ compensation lawyer who can help. Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be complicated, and our firm wants to make sure you obtain the benefits you need and deserve. Contact the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. to learn more about how we can assist you.


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