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Understanding PIP And Injured Motorists’ Rights

In an attempt to end insurance fraud and reduce premiums, Florida has changed its auto insurance law. Find out how these changes may affect you.

At the end of 2012, insurers were required to reduce the cost of personal injury premiums by 10 percent. Personal injury premiums, also referred to as PIP, represent approximately 20 percent of your total auto insurance bill.

To help make this possible, the new law includes a statute of limitations on injury claims. While in the past, there was no limit on how long injured parties could wait to seek treatment for injuries received in automobile accidents, the new law places a 14 day limit.

The new law also reduces the amount of coverage available to accident victims. The previous limit of $10,000 is now only available to those who receive “emergency medical conditions.” All other injuries are capped at $2,500. Finally, the law also excludes massage therapists and acupuncturists from coverage.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, contact one of the most respected injury law services in Fort Lauderdale, the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld P.A, to learn more about your legal rights under this new insurance law.

Source: MorgueFile

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