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When Theft Occurs Inside the Walls of Florida Nursing Home Facilities

elder person on a wheelchair

Nursing home residents used to be given a great level of attention and care, but sadly it has gotten worse over the years due to overcrowded nursing homes and the lack of staff. With the flood of more senior citizens in need of constant medical care – as Baby Boomers are aging and flooding nursing homes and assisted living facilities – many nursing homes don’t seem to have the same level of commitment to their patients as they once did. Part of the reason is that they seem to be hiring just about anyone.

Although some nursing homes in Florida have a great reputation and commitment to their residents, other facilities are trying to hire people for as little money as possible and not providing them the training they need. As a result, they are getting staff members who don’t know how to treat elderly residents and often mistreat the residents.

One way nursing home workers mistreat residents is through theft. Many people don’t realize it, but theft is a form of nursing home abuse. While the most common form of nursing home abuse used to be physical abuse, financial abuse and exploitation is now considered the most common type of nursing home abuse. In fact, it is a real threat facing nursing home residents because they are so reliant on their caregivers.

Theft is Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home workers have a responsibility to take care of their patients and not harm them. Unfortunately, many nursing home employees have stolen from their patients – causing them financial harm. Some examples of theft and financial abuse in nursing homes include:

  • Stealing personal items such as jewelry or other possessions
  • Taking cash they find in residents’ drawers and wallets
  • Creating fake charities and asking for donations
  • Making charges on residents’ credit cards
  • Overcharging residents and pocketing the money residents think they are paying the nursing home
  • Extorting assets or money from residents

Many nursing home workers don’t realize the implications of their actions when they steal from residents. This is because they often don’t see nursing home residents as real people – someone’s mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma or grandpa. Unfortunately, when theft occurs, some nursing home residents might be left without any money, which can be devastating to their financial well-being.

What to Do About Theft in Nursing Homes

It’s a chilling reality, but far too many nursing home workers are found to be involved in theft and fraud incidents. If someone stole from you, or you suspect your loved one is the victim of theft or fraud at a Florida nursing home, you need to talk with an experienced nursing home abuse attorney as soon as possible.

At the Law Offices of David Benenfeld, we can help victims of nursing home abuse stand up against the injustice they suffered and fight back with a personal injury lawsuit. To learn more about pursuing a claim for damages or to get your questions answered in a free, no-obligation consultation, contact us today at 866-9 HELP NOW or 866-943-5766 to speak with a knowledgeable and caring South Florida nursing home abuse lawyer.

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