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Where Does The Rubber Meet The Road For DUI’s?

Shockingly, most Florida DUI fatalities consist of drunk drivers whose blood alcohol content is three times the legal limit of .08 BAC. One horrific evening two years ago, an individual made headlines when he surpassed the legal blood alcohol level by four times, and caused a fatal accident of a motorcyclist.

When the Palm Beach pickup driver’s BAC hit .32, he unjustly took the life of a motorcycle rider who was parked at a red light. The drunk driver rear-ended the motorcyclist, ejecting him from his bike and causing immediate death at the scene of the accident.   Charged with DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide, the driver was recently sentenced for 11 years in prison. Florida courts are trying to send a clear message that drunk driving will not be tolerated and will lead to lifelong consequences.

Because motorcycles don’t provide the safety and security of seat belts, air bags, insulation, and structure of an automobile, they are incredibly vulnerable to mistakes made by other drivers. We’re used to blaming the motorcyclist, but in actuality, more than two-thirds of Florida motorcycle accidents are caused by the driver of the other vehicle.

If you have been in a Florida motorcycle accident caused by a drunk driver in South Florida and sustained a serious injury of any type, it is important to talk with an experienced South Florida Motorcycle Accident Attorney. Your attorney can help you prepare your paperwork to get you the compensation you desperately need and deserve.

Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld, a Broward County Motorcycle Accident Attorney, for a free legal consultation to determine if you have a case for an injury involved in a motorcycle accident caused by a DUI. Call 954-677-0155.

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