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Workers Compensation For Florida Burn Victims

South Florida burn injuries that occur in the workplace can be exceptionally painful. Any injury on-the-job can affect an employee’s physical, emotional, and financial health.

In 2010, burn injuries on-the-job landed an estimated 45,000 Americans in the hospital. Another recent study revealed that over 30% of Broward County employees who received a burn injury never returned to work.

Causes of Burn Injuries at Work

Burn injuries within the workplace vary in cause and severity, depending on the job and the degree of the burn. Different types of burn injuries at workplaces include:

  • Arc Burns: These burns result from structural fires, welding equipment, flammable liquids and gases.

  • Scald or Thermal Burns: Often occurring in restaurants, these burns result from cooking oils and grease.

  • Chemical Burns: These burns usually take place in laboratories and factories from the use of dangerous acids.

  • Electrical or Radiation Burns: Electricians and construction workers may become victim to electrical or radiation equipment, which may cause severe burns.

Burn Prevention

South Florida employers have found it in the best interest of their company and their employees to make safety a priority within the workplace. Many try to create more effective preventive measures. Unfortunately, not all measures are implemented by the employer, and sometimes accidents still happen.

A South Florida burn victim injured at work may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation. A skilled South Florida workers’ compensation attorney can assist a burn victim with the process of a settlement.

Employers Required to Offer Workers’ Compensation

According to the Florida Division of Workers Compensation, the following types of employers are required to offer coverage:

  • State and local governments
  • An industry with 4 or more employees
  • Construction industry with at least 1 employee
  • Farmer with 5 regular employees/12 seasonal employees

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Broward County employees are responsible to provide medical treatment for burn victims including but not limited to:

  • Doctor Visits
  • Hospitalization
  • Physical Therapy
  • Medical Tests
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Prosthesis
  • Mileage Costs for Treatment
  • Psychological Treatment

Temporary partial or total disability benefits for a South Florida burn victim may be provided for lost wages. Often long term costs are incurred as a result of a more severe burn injury, such as counseling, rehab therapy, skin grafting, surgery, and infection control. In the case of a wrongful death within the workplace, death benefits and burial expenses may also be awarded.

If you or a family member have incurred a burn injury in South Florida while on-the-job, it is important to talk with an experienced South Florida workers’ compensation attorney. Your attorney can help you prepare your paperwork to get the results you are looking for.

Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to find out what your legal rights are and how to receive help. For a free legal consultation and book titled: Hurt On the Job in Florida – What Are My Rights? Call: 954-677-0155 today.

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