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Monthly Archives: February 2020

If Someone Is Injured In A Trucking Accident Because The Truck Driver Was Fatigued, How Can It Be Proven?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Truck drivers themselves cause a majority of vehicle accidents, simply due to the fact of being over tired and over worked.  In fact, over 8,000 accidents occur every year caused by the truck driver being tired or sleepy at the wheel. Truck driver fatigue is a common cause of serious accidents, but is however,… Read More »

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If Medications And Drugs Are Some Of The Main Causes Of Truck Crashes, Why Do Truckers Continue To Get Certain Medications Prescribed By Their Doctors?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations that are in place, truck drivers are prohibited from taking certain prescription drugs. These may include narcotic or habit-forming drugs, methadone, amphetamine, or any anti-seizure drugs. Additionally, truckers are not allowed to drive their rigs while taking prescription medications without a prescription from a licensed… Read More »

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If Being A Truck Driver Is So Dangerous, Why Would Anyone Consider This As A Career? Do Truck Drivers Have Certain Rights If The Trucking Accident Is Not Their Fault?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

South Florida trucking jobs are tough, but stable.  Broward County residents seeking employment might consider trucking for its secure income and job availability. Trucking naturally draws drivers of all ages and backgrounds. .  According to the Truckers Report Guide of 2011, the truck driver salary ranges between $40-68,000 per year. In Florida, truck drivers… Read More »

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How Is A Florida Trucking Accident Case Settled Differently Than Regular Auto Accidents?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Trucking accidents typically cause more serious injuries than car accidents. Individuals who are involved in a tractor trailer or other large truck wrecks incur life threatening conditions, and sometimes death. Commercial trucks are more than 25 times heavier than average passenger automobiles. Technical and complex trucking rules and regulations mean that a trucking accident… Read More »

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How Do I Avoid A Broward County Truck Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: There’s practically nothing I detest more than sharing my morning commute with the plethora of big trucks on the highway. I feel like a little bug that’s forced to share the forest with Big Foot…and it’s just a matter of time before I get squished. What advice can you give me to avoid… Read More »

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How Are Overloaded Trucks More Likely To Cause Truck Accidents?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: There are reasons why the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration allows semi trucks to weigh up to 80,000 pounds and require that the truck’s cargo be balanced, evenly distributed, properly loaded and tied down securely. When trucks weigh over this weight limit, there are potential dangers that could increase on the road and… Read More »

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Can I Receive Compensation For My Broken Arm And Neck Injury Following A Van Crash Even If The Police Notated That The Tires Were Badly Worn?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

It depends. If you are the owner of the van and failed to maintain your tires or drove on bald tires, you may not be able to file a personal injury claim for your damages. However, in Florida, you still will have access to your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage. This means that… Read More »

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Who Is Responsible For My Son’s Injuries Following A Florida School Bus Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

It depends on the nature of the accident. For example, a school bus driver and school district might be responsible for your son’s injuries; however, the driver of the other vehicle involved in the crash could also be responsible. Sometimes, there could be other parties involved such as the vehicle manufacture or tire manufacture… Read More »

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Should I Give The Insurance Company A Recorded Statement After The Florida Truck Accident I Was Injured In?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: No. You should never give the insurance company a recorded statement unless you have spoken with a skilled personal injury attorney. Even though the insurance adjuster may be nice to you, they are trained to minimize your claim. Insurance companies want you to give them a recorded statement as soon after your car accident… Read More »

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What Are Some Things I Can Tell My Teen Son About Reducing His Chance Of Being In A Truck Crash?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Because trucks are constantly traversing Florida roads, the chances of being in a truck wreck are higher than you might imagine, especially if a driver doesn’t know how to share the road with a large commercial truck. For this reason, it is important that you share the following safe driving tips with your son… Read More »

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