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Monthly Archives: February 2020

I’ve Heard There Was A Recall On Bed Rails, But The Nursing Home My Father Is In Still Uses Them. What Should I Do?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

While not all bed rails have been recalled, 113,000 bed handles have been recalled after they were linked to three deaths. According to the recall listed on the CPSC website, the bed rails that were recalled were portable bed handles by Bed Handles Inc., model BA10W. The reason these handles were recalled is because… Read More »

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How Do I Know If There Is Nursing Home Abuse Going On In The South Florida Nursing Home Facility My Mother Is Staying In?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Being able to spot nursing home abuse in a South Florida facility or any nursing home is often times revealed by the visits you have with your loved one. A nursing home resident can be exposed to a variety of different abuses including: Physical abuse Neglect Verbal abuse Emotional abuse Sexual assault Rape Over-medication… Read More »

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A Truck Driver Swerved Out Of His Lane And Into Mine, Causing My Crash. Can I Go After Him Or His Trucking Company For My Damages?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Yes. You should have a claim for damages. We understand that even though you didn’t collide into the truck, the thought of crashing with an 80,000 pound vehicle probably caused you to swerve into another car or object—causing your South Florida crash. Truck drivers might swerve out of their lanes because there was a… Read More »

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Why Do Truck Drivers Take Drugs And Drive? Don’t They Know That It Could Lead To A Truck Accident In Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

The main reason why truck drivers take medications while driving is to help them combat their tiredness to attempt to stay awake at the wheel. They know that if they can push on and get more miles in, they will make their deliveries on time and possibly make more money. While fighting fatigue is… Read More »

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If A Truck Crash Was Caused Because Of The Load Shifting, Isn’t The Truck Driver Liable For My Damages?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Possibly. There are load secure requirements in place by the Federal Motor Safety Administration.  Truck drivers are responsible to inspect their trucks before hitting the road, which includes making sure their loads are secure. However, oftentimes third parties load the trucks. When pre-inspections are ignored or if loaders cut corners, loads might shift and… Read More »

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Truck Accident Injuries In Fort Lauderdale

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: My wife and I were involved in a truck accident in Fort Lauderdale. The truck was changing lanes and side-swiped our car.  We were both injured and the car was severely damaged.  Ever since the crash we both have been an emotional wreck.  What can we do?  Can we be compensated for this… Read More »

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What Are Some Things I Can Tell My Teen Son About Reducing His Chance Of Being In A Truck Crash?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Because trucks are constantly traversing Florida roads, the chances of being in a truck wreck are higher than you might imagine, especially if a driver doesn’t know how to share the road with a large commercial truck. For this reason, it is important that you share the following safe driving tips with your son… Read More »

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Should I Give The Insurance Company A Recorded Statement After The Florida Truck Accident I Was Injured In?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: No. You should never give the insurance company a recorded statement unless you have spoken with a skilled personal injury attorney. Even though the insurance adjuster may be nice to you, they are trained to minimize your claim. Insurance companies want you to give them a recorded statement as soon after your car accident… Read More »

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Who Is Responsible For My Son’s Injuries Following A Florida School Bus Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

It depends on the nature of the accident. For example, a school bus driver and school district might be responsible for your son’s injuries; however, the driver of the other vehicle involved in the crash could also be responsible. Sometimes, there could be other parties involved such as the vehicle manufacture or tire manufacture… Read More »

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How Can I Prove That A Truck Driver Was Sleep Deprived And Caused The Crash?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

It can be difficult to prove that a truck driver was tired and caused the crash; however, with the right lawyer on your side, it can be done. Experienced accident attorneys know the federal and state laws that truck drivers need to adhere to and know what to look for in establishing truck driver… Read More »

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